Whistle Blowers
In an effort to root out fraud, corruption and unethical practices, Oceana has subscribed to Whistle Blowers for many years and continues to do so. Whistle Blowers is an independent information gathering company, which offers an anonymous and secure platform for whistle-blowing. This facility is available to employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and the public to report illicit activity without repercussion to the whistle-blower. Toll-free numbers are available in both South Africa and Namibia for purposes of reporting any known or suspect inappropriate practices.
Reports can be submitted by fax, email or through the call centre which is manned by multi-lingual operators. These reports are dealt with at the highest levels within Oceana.
Whistle Blowers offers:
Guaranteed anonymity and protection of the whistle blower
Dedicated anonymous call lines:
Freecall: 0800 00 66 60 (RSA); 0800 000 666 (Namibia)
Fax: 031 308 0550
Postal address: PO Box 51006, Musgrave, 4062